Personal injury cases cover an area where a person is harmed due to the negligence or wrongdoing of another person. These accidents may cause minor injuries or even large injuries that have a crippling, chronic effect in the person's life. The accident can cause a person to be laid down for days, weeks or even months, resulting in a loss of income and more. Many are even left with a permanent pain from the injury. There are many different defective or faulty productscauses of personal injury such as:
- Dangerous work environment
- Slippery floors in public areas
- Broken pavement
- Car accidents
- Poorly maintained living areas
If you or a loved one has had experience with any of the above, speaking with Scott Corlew is the right step for you. Our civil litigation and defense firm offers full legal assistance for personal injury cases. With the right representation, you may recover much of what was spent financially during your ordeal.